March 25, 2025

About TiVoBlog

I started TiVoBlog in July of 2004 because I wanted a place to write about my obsession with TiVo. Prior to TiVoBlog, I use to write about TiVo on my family website however; after a couple of posts, I noticed that nobody in my family really wanted to read what I had to say about TiVo. After all, they were already sick of hearing me talk about it over Sunday dinner. So, to make a long story short, I started up This site is meant to be an unofficial source for TiVo news, information and commentary. If you have any suggestions or questions feel free to drop me an email by using this form.

Alex Raiano (tivogeek), creator:

My obsession with TiVo began as soon as I purchased my first TiVo box.  For some reason, I’ve always had an interest in TiVo even before I owned one.  I remember being in college and thinking that it would be nice to own a TiVo however; I really didn’t have the extra cash at the time.  In my opinion, the best thing about TiVo is that you are able to watch what you want when you want to.

Shortly after receiving my first TiVo, I thought it would be a great idea to put together this blog (July ‘04).  Little did I know that TiVoBlog would be as big of a success as it has.  I really get pleasure from writing about TiVo.  I’m not a huge fan of writing in general however; I enjoy writing about something that I like

I have a number of hobbies outside of TiVo.  First and foremost, I enjoy spending time with family and friends.  I also enjoy playing poker, reading and taking part in sporting events.  Let me know if you have any comments/suggestions for this site.