Two days ago I received my 140 TiVo from the rewards program. Needless to say, I set it up as soon as I arrived home from work. In fact, my wife called me during the day and told me she had some good news for me. Being the big geek that I am, she knew that I would be excited about my new DVR. At first I thought she was going to say that we hit the lottery however; she let me know that my new TiVo had arrived
If you’ve been following my previous posts (post 1, post 2) about my TiVo rewards TiVo you’ll know that I’ve been planning on giving my parents my old TiVo (60 hr series2). Being a man of my word, I setup my old TiVo at my parent’s house last night. I showed my Mom how to setup several season passes and within a couple of minutes she was doing it herself. My parents are kind of tech savvy (hey what do you expect, there son has a TiVo website) so I kind of expected them to be able to pickup on it. I think that my Mom finally realized the true benefit of a TiVo. She was able to go and take a shower without having to miss her Jeopardy. She setup about 13 season passes so I’m sure she’ll have more shows then she can ever watch. It’s but I just got an email saying that the following comment has been posted:
Alex, I’ve only had the TiVo for one night and I am already happy. Last night I was tired and saw that “THE GODFATHER” was going to be on, so I TiVoed it! Thanks, now all I have to do is explain it to Dad and we’re good to go. Love Mom
Little does she know that you aren’t suppose to use TiVo as a verb. I guess I’ll give Mom a pass on this one !