In case you missed it, has posted a great article which talks about the history of the TiVo remote and how the remote that we all know and love has come about. The article was produced in cooperation with TiVo and Paul Newby (the individual who helped create our beloved “peanut” remote).
In my opinion, the most interesting part of the article was when Gizmodo asked Paul what the possibility was of TiVo adding a QWERTY keyboard to the remote.
With the next generation TiVo remote on the drawing board, I wondered what the possible additions could be.
When I asked if adding a small QWERTY keyboard was a possibility for the next generation, I was surprised by Newby’s answer.
Based on Paul’s reply, it looks as though TiVo is considering adding a keyboard to a future generation remote!
“We’ve either given it thought or were in the process of prototyping it. I’d say it’s a healthy combination of both never been done, done before and what’s been done well elsewhere.”
If you follow this blog at all, you probably already know my opinion on this. On at least one occasion I’ve mentioned that TiVo should offer a keyboard which would allow you to control your TiVo from the comfort of your couch. Just think about the possiblities a keyboard would offer. Wouldn’t it be great if you could browse the web using your TiVo and your HDTV? Wouldn’t it be great if you could type in a SeasonPass search?
What do you think? Does a QWERTY keyboard remote have you interested?
Continue reading: Story of a Peanut: The TiVo Remote’s Untold Past, Present and Future