Last night I finally got a chance to call Time Warner (TWC) and order two CableCARDs for my Series 3...
TiVo Hardware
Are you running out of space on your Series 3 TiVo? Well, somebody at TiVoCommunity figured out how to... is running a great special on the Series 3 TiVo. For $499.99 you can get the Series...
Will the Series 3 TiVo see a significant price drop by the end of the Q1? The...
Tonight (Sunday) is one of the best nights to watch TV in high definition. Two of my...
Dell is offering one hell of a deal on the Series 3 TiVo. For $588.16 you can get...
The other day my Mom gave me a call to let me know that the TiVo I gave...
emember a post that I put up three days ago which talked about how TWC was giving one...
I’ve come really close on a number of occasions. The only thing holding me back is that...
Based on the following email that I received from John, it looks as though the folks over...